meaningful movement
Upcoming Events
Befriending Backbends
September 22nd
Long Beach, CA
Right side up or upside down, backbends can seem intimidating, unfriendly, and out of reach to many. In this two-hour workshop we will take the time to explore how to make these expansive shapes work best for every body (including your own). Learn anatomy, pose regression and progressions, prop variations, assists, and ways to support the shoulders, spine, and hips in a well-informed fashion. Expect to intelligently meet your edge and tap into your backbend potential! Workshop includes time for lecture, practice, play, and breakdown/q&a.
The workshop is catered to yoga teachers and serious students.
Yogalates: Foundations
October 5th
Long Beach, CA
New to yogalates? Not sure what to expect? Have you been practicing for a while and not sure if what you’re doing is “correct”? This workshop is for you! In this hour and a half workshop style class we will spend ample time breaking down, discussing, and getting curious about how to connect to our core or “powerhouse”, as it is called in Pilates. Learn breathing techniques, pelvic placement, ways to support your back and neck during common exercises, and how to efficiently engage your abdominals to create strength and stability.
Yogalates Weekend Training
October 25th-27th
St George, UT
Combine the best from vinyasa and mat pilates into one energetic, strengthening, and fun practice. This weekend training will teach you how to create and lead your own unique yogalates class. Diversify your teaching repertoire and learn the pilates principals, exercises, and how to sequence a well balanced class suitable for all levels.
15 hours YA CEU.